I genuinely do not have it in me to do the work this project requires right now. I barely have it in me to keep regularly blog posts up and those actually get views. I’m sorry if this is the sole reason you’re here, but I need to stop trying to work on this project for a bit so I can focus on resting and recovering. I’ll, of course, keep trying to work on it in the meantime, but not having self-assigned deadlines that fly past will lessen the mental load of this process. Once I’ve gotten a few chapters done and no longer feel quite as emotionally exhausted and just ABSOLTELY knackered all the time, I’ll go back to posting them. I’ll even let you know ahead of time, so you can set your alarms.
In the meantime, I’ll probably try to come up with something small to put here instead. Maybe a little bit of flash fiction. Just because I’m not writing the big book chapters doesn’t mean I’m going to stop writing stuff for my Saturday posts entirely. I might recycle some of my favorite pieces from the past, just to buy me a little breathing space, but I’ll have something. I’ll even have one posted tomorrow as a special treat. I just need to not be trying to write three to six thousand words every week for just a bit. I mean, I’ve had chapter twenty-six in a decent spot for a while now, with remarks back from my editor, and while there’s more work to do on it than usual (I’m splitting it into two chapters because its already so long and my editor wisely suggested zooming in on a couple scenes I brushed past for the sake of brevity), I just have not been able to even force myself to open the document, much less actually work on it.
So I’m going to take some time off, try to rest a bit, chase my bliss a little bit more than usual, and keep my fiction muscles limber by doing some three-hundred-words-or-less flash fiction. Tomorrow’s will be a repeat because I can barely keep myself focused this week, but I’ll try to have something new for the next few to several Saturdays.