Our Second Day Of School In The Magical Millennium

After waiting another month, most of my group returned to playing The Magical Millennium. One of the players couldn’t make it again and another one vanished fairly quickly because they lost power about fifteen minutes after they joined the session, so there were only three of us for pretty much the whole session. This made getting through the group’s second day of magical class so much easier, since we only had to deal with three players instead of the original five. It also helped, of course, that we’d already done one day of school and were familiar with how the day would go. We were really set up for success. The only real event of note, since all the players wanted to keep their noses clean after the party just two days prior, was that the founder of the school–who also happened to be their homeroom teacher–introduced them to the concept of The Adventurer’s Guild and informed them that they were all licensed to operate within the guild under the auspices of the school’s membership. After that, the party started doing researching some jobs they could go on, to earn a little money and do their group homework assignment (go on An Adventure), but stopped short of actually picking one. We wanted the whole group to be there when any decision was made, so we opted to wait until the next session, when we’d actually be close to doing one of those adventures and would hopefully have our whole group of players able to attend.

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