One of my favorite webcomics from back in the day was the webcomic Cucumber Quest. I say “back in the day” because it’s one of the first webcomics I started following, once I found out about webcomics, and I followed it right up until it stopped updating in 2019. The creator has posted some additional information about it on their patreon since then, but they’ve not worked on it in a long time (due to burnout) and I am not expecting it to ever continue. I won’t say that it will never continue or that I don’t think it ever will, only that I’m not expecting it to. Sometimes things are good and fun and you love them, but the circumstances of life prevent them from ever being brought to a satisfying conclusion. Sometimes all you get, in the end, is A conclusion. Which is kind of fitting, given the general themes of the story and all. It might seem counterintuitive to recommend a webcomic that stopped updating almost six years ago, but it is still a story near and dear to my heart and easily worth your time even if you will have to eventually cope with the lack of a “proper” resolution. I’d even go so far as to argue that maybe thinking about the story and sitting with the feelings of it ending before the story wrapped up might be the sort of thing that triggers some important introspection. Regardless, it is lovely, it is well-drawn, it is moving, and it does my favorite thing a story can do with a fantasy setting: stand it on its end and make you think about the standard heroic fable tropes you went into it expecting.
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