Random Encounters And Slightly Less Random Treasure In The Rotten Labyrinth

Another week, another Tabletop RPG session! Last weekend, we got five of the six players together for The Rotting Labyrinth and started diving deeper into said labyrinth. We talked quickly through what was going to be the format for the group now that we’ve got so many players, caught the players who’d missed the last session up on who everyone was, and then I sent them on their way, deeper into the labyrinthine depths, in search of more treasure. After they spent a little time figuring out what direction to explore next, they eventually worked their way through three different little events. In one, they find a Non-Magical?/Magical? Tent Kit, in another they find a pair of curiosities with small tidbits of information about the purpose of the labyrinth and what might be at its center, and in the final one they find some kind of fake treasure that was supposed to distract them from the secret room–which they also found immediately–so that the undead spellcaster inside could bust out, trap people on the other sides of the door, and force everyone to fight some kind of ghostie creatures in close quarters. The party’s bad luck with rolls continued, but the monsters in this fight also had terrible luck so the fight dragged on for quite a while as both parties occasionally chipped away at each other. All of which made for a very full day of adventuring.

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