I haven’t really posted much about Final Fantasy in the last two weeks, since my post about Capitalism finally getting me in Final Fantasy 14. I wrote about it tangentially a week ago, but that was mostly in the context of working a long day from home, but I haven’t really written about the game and its story. Mostly because I wound up letting myself get incredibly side-tracked over the past few weeks–long enough that I’m not exactly sure how long it has been. Instead of focusing on the MSQ (Main Scenario Quests), I’ve been working on a bunch of side-content and leveling up my skill-based jobs. I helped rebuild a city that was actually rebuilt years ago (the costs of running through old game content years after it was released), helped a bunch of people settle into a post-war life, visited a fantastical floating island chain that provides a specific type of resources used only in building and maintaining the aforementioned rebuilt city, and used the bonuses from that to drastically boost my own abilities. I also attended another Roleplaying Wrestling event, did a “Savage” raid, wrapped up a tiny bit of the MSQ so I could start the next expansion, and built myself an entire set of crafting gear so I could say I’d done it. As you can see, it’s not like I’ve stopped playing the game. Even when I deviated from this to play other games (more on that next week), I used the nights I’d normally take off from the game to do that. I have stopped spending as much time on capitalistic gain, though, just because I don’t really have anything to spend the money on yet and have been trying to use my evenings a bit more specifically.
Continue readingAuthor: Chris
I Can Finally Talk About My Work Project (I Just Won’t Do It Here)
Finally, after almost a year and a half of working on this one project, it has been announced and shown to the world. I no longer need to keep the details a secret, I can finally complain about my days with specifics, and I no longer need to keep to myself just how cool and exciting the thing I’ve been working on actually is. As of a week ago (from the day this gets posted, anyway), the product has been shown at the preeminent tradeshow for my particular niche of the tech industry. It was announced the night prior at a special new technology presentation event, but today it is being demonstrated to an entire convention’s worth of poeple, is getting discussed on reddit, has a live website I can finally send people so they can see what I’ve been working on, and so far the response to it seems to be overwhelmingly positive. I’m not at the convention since my employer tries to avoid sending hourly employees on trips (we get paid for travel time and all the time we’d be doing work stuff on the trip, which would be a huge number of hours even compared to my normally extensive workweeks), but I’ve already done a couple hours of tech support for it and, despite the problems my coworkers ran into, the whole thing seems to be running smoothly. Which is, you know, a huge weight off my mind. Throw in that tomorrow is the day my testing documentation is due and I, as of starting to write this, have already sent it off… Well, I’m basically done with the project now. Finally.
Continue reading1500 Is A Lot Of Blog Posts To Have Written
This is my 1500th blog post. I wrote it yesterday because I’ve been struggling to keep up my buffer and, in my haste to at least get a post taking up Draft space on my blog so I’d have something to work on between coming up with the idea a week ago and it getting published (which has resulted in me not doing any work on it until the day before), I forgot to put together something for the big one five double-zero! Aside from being a large number of things to have written, there isn’t much significance to the number aside from this being a specific personal goal I set. You see, 1500 blog posts guarantees that I’ve written at least a thousand blog posts since I started this whole thing back up a few years ago. That’s a pretty significant number, considering that I haven’t missed a day (aside from planned breaks) in that whole time. I’ve posted some of these later than I’d have liked (mostly because I forgot to fix the scheduled post time but once because I just didn’t have anything written until partway through the day), but I haven’t missed a day that wasn’t planned ahead of time. I’ve had to reduce my scope by no longer sharing things on Saturdays, I’ve circled the drain of topics and journaled my misery for a while, but I’ve never missed a day.
Continue readingSick Of (And From) This Weather
As often happens, when the temperatures rise and fall pretty rapidly from one day to another, I’ve gotten sick. It definitely doesn’t help that I’m super burned out and exhausted from the pains of last year combined with the project I’ve been doing for so long at work that I’ve forgotten what it is like to not be constantly thinking about it. All it takes these days is a tiny disruption and I am down for the count, especially now as I’m trying a new medication and tiredness/low-energy seems to be one of the common side-effects that I’m trying to cope with. Which means I’m working from home today (the day I’m writing this) and doing my level best to actually rest a bit. I’m really not sure how much more of this I can take, if I’m being quite honest. I know I’m physically reaching a breaking point, but I’ve got maybe another week or two before the project is fully done and I can just take an entire week off from work to sleep, rest, do nothing, and try to start undoing the damage all this constant stress and burnout has done…
Continue readingRandom Encounters And Slightly Less Random Treasure In The Rotten Labyrinth
Another week, another Tabletop RPG session! Last weekend, we got five of the six players together for The Rotting Labyrinth and started diving deeper into said labyrinth. We talked quickly through what was going to be the format for the group now that we’ve got so many players, caught the players who’d missed the last session up on who everyone was, and then I sent them on their way, deeper into the labyrinthine depths, in search of more treasure. After they spent a little time figuring out what direction to explore next, they eventually worked their way through three different little events. In one, they find a Non-Magical?/Magical? Tent Kit, in another they find a pair of curiosities with small tidbits of information about the purpose of the labyrinth and what might be at its center, and in the final one they find some kind of fake treasure that was supposed to distract them from the secret room–which they also found immediately–so that the undead spellcaster inside could bust out, trap people on the other sides of the door, and force everyone to fight some kind of ghostie creatures in close quarters. The party’s bad luck with rolls continued, but the monsters in this fight also had terrible luck so the fight dragged on for quite a while as both parties occasionally chipped away at each other. All of which made for a very full day of adventuring.
Continue readingExperiment Complete, It Is Unfortunately Back To Business As Usual
One of the worst habits I’ve got is my need for diversion. I’m constantly letting my attention wander if whatever I’m doing isn’t engaging enough to constantly hold it. Most of the time, it’s fine. I can turn on some music to occupy the part of my mind that wanders, turn on a podcast if I need more distraction, or just change activities if I’m not getting anything out of what I’m doing. When I can’t, though, I’m usually at work and trying to focus on something. Which means that my mind wanders to places that I have access to at work, which is unfortunately pretty limited. Though I save my webcomics into the day as long as I can, they’re still not enough to take up all of my “mind wandering away” time, much less that and my “I need to take a break” time as well. Which means I tend to wind up doomscrolling or just cycling through websites I’ve already checked without purpose, neither of which are great for my mental health. That’s why I removed imgur from my phone all those years ago. That’s why I’ve got a couple games on my phone. Those aren’t really one-to-five-minute activities, though, or things that work great it a “work a bunch and then take a break” style work day structure. What I’ve found that works well, though, especially after having a couple chances to try it out recently, is Final Fantasy 14. Unfortunately, I can only use that as my distraction when I’m working from home.
Continue readingA Blast From The Past: I Started Rereading Cucumber Quest
One of my favorite webcomics from back in the day was the webcomic Cucumber Quest. I say “back in the day” because it’s one of the first webcomics I started following, once I found out about webcomics, and I followed it right up until it stopped updating in 2019. The creator has posted some additional information about it on their patreon since then, but they’ve not worked on it in a long time (due to burnout) and I am not expecting it to ever continue. I won’t say that it will never continue or that I don’t think it ever will, only that I’m not expecting it to. Sometimes things are good and fun and you love them, but the circumstances of life prevent them from ever being brought to a satisfying conclusion. Sometimes all you get, in the end, is A conclusion. Which is kind of fitting, given the general themes of the story and all. It might seem counterintuitive to recommend a webcomic that stopped updating almost six years ago, but it is still a story near and dear to my heart and easily worth your time even if you will have to eventually cope with the lack of a “proper” resolution. I’d even go so far as to argue that maybe thinking about the story and sitting with the feelings of it ending before the story wrapped up might be the sort of thing that triggers some important introspection. Regardless, it is lovely, it is well-drawn, it is moving, and it does my favorite thing a story can do with a fantasy setting: stand it on its end and make you think about the standard heroic fable tropes you went into it expecting.
Continue readingMaudlin Meanderings On The Imminent Time Change
It’s almost that time of year again, unfortunately. Spring forward, Fall backward. Daylight Saving Time. The good ol’ “confuse your body by altering the time associated with sunrise and sunset” event of now late-Winter. I mean, I’m excited to be able to drive home before it’s fully dark in maybe another week or two, but I’m not looking forward to feeling more tired than usual (if that’s even possible). Nor am I looking forward to how weird driving at sunrise and sunset are going to be for at least a week while everyone else adjusts to the change in the time-to-sunlight ratio in a way that somehow makes them a worse driver. It’s going to be a wild week and I’m going to be going into it with even less sleep than usual, which is a little rough these days considering how absolutely exhausted I am from a combination of burnout and trying a new medication that has me feeling pretty sleepy most days. All that said, I stand to benefit from it a little bit, too. My sleep schedule is usually at its worst during the winter months because I function better during DST than off it since I tend not to sleep through as much of the morning sunlight as I might otherwise. I love a later sunset, after all, and I’m really hoping that I can use this as the impetus to finally fix my sleep schedule. And, you know, for all my clocks to finally be right again (I stopped changing them years ago and now just let them be wrong for three solid months).
Continue readingGiving In To Capitalism In Final Fantasy 14
A couple weekends back, thanks to a day with little else going on, I managed to make a million gil (the currency in Final Fantasy XIV) in a single day’s collection. It was quite a prosperous undertaking and still left me with decent chunks of the day to do other stuff. A lot of collecting is done on a timer, with the various collection nodes (minerals for rocks and ore and trees or bushes for wood and vegetation) for high-level materials showing up at specific times every day. So, for the day, I set some alarms that our guild’s leader wrote out for us and teleported around the map to hit up every single possible node. There was one more that I lack the ability to visit, since it is locked behind progressing the Main Scenario, but I still made out like a bandit thanks to my guild leader setting me up with a solid set of gear. A lot of the higher-tier gathering is based on your gear rather than your levels or abilities, so going from a scattered set of decent gear meant for level fifty to a stellar set of gear meant for level sixty was a HUGE boon and going from a mishmash of what I had laying around to actually good level fifty gear for my other gathering class was a game changer. That change alone made me so much money, and my guild leader did it all for free (on top of buying all the stuff to use for his own projects or pass on to the buyer who has hired the guild to collect these resources).
Continue readingFlashing Forward With The Magical Millennium
FINALLY, after nearly a year of actual real-world time, we’ve made it to our first time jump. We wrapped up the lingering moments of the previous session’s lock-in, tackled through what a time skip would mean for the player characters, and then started skipping forward. We tackled about what everyone got up to during the four weeks we skipped, who they spent their time with, and dipped into little scenes here or there as we went, taking up almost the entire session’s allotted time even with only four of the group’s normal set of five players. It was a lot of fun even if it did really drive home the point that we’re never going to do anything quickly with this group. That’s not a bad thing, of course. I love my roleplayers and how enthusiastic they are to talk to each other and play in the world we’ve made. I just really need to work on pacing and plotting on my side of things so I can meeting my players where they’re at. I don’t think I’ve ever once accurately guessed how long something was going to take to start, wrap up, or do in its entirety. I’ve been so far off every single time that I might just give up trying to figure out how much stuff I need to have prepped for every session and just make sure I’m enough steps ahead that I can’t run out. Which probably won’t ever be a problem given that we have only ever taken more time than I expected, not less.
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