The Lost Odyssey That Got Away

I was talking to a friend about video games a couple weeks ago and we briefly touched on a game called Lost Odyssey that we’ve both played and, coincidentally, stopped playing at almost exactly the same point in the game. He stopped playing at the last save before a difficult boss fight because he was stuck in the lead up to that boss fight and couldn’t figure out how to beat the boss. I stopped playing immediately after winning that boss fight because, after stopping for the night after winning that difficult fight, my Xbox 360 red-ringed and I lost all of my save data. The reason we never went back to try to play through that game again was because that fight was on the third of the four discs for the game and there was just too much game for us to want to play again. It wasn’t a bad game, but it was just so very long. I definitely enjoyed my experience playing it, but it slipped my mind so thoroughly that I never even looked up how the story ended despite it being almost a decade and a half since I lost my game data and decided not to try playing it again. I probably still own that stack of CDs, since I still have my Xbox 360 hanging around somewhere (I haven’t plugged it in for at least a decade at this point, so who knows if it even works still), so I might someday replay it. Probably not, given how little time I’ve got and how much other stuff I’ve got to read, play, watch, or listen to, but I still think about it from time to time.

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