Giving In To Capitalism In Final Fantasy 14

A couple weekends back, thanks to a day with little else going on, I managed to make a million gil (the currency in Final Fantasy XIV) in a single day’s collection. It was quite a prosperous undertaking and still left me with decent chunks of the day to do other stuff. A lot of collecting is done on a timer, with the various collection nodes (minerals for rocks and ore and trees or bushes for wood and vegetation) for high-level materials showing up at specific times every day. So, for the day, I set some alarms that our guild’s leader wrote out for us and teleported around the map to hit up every single possible node. There was one more that I lack the ability to visit, since it is locked behind progressing the Main Scenario, but I still made out like a bandit thanks to my guild leader setting me up with a solid set of gear. A lot of the higher-tier gathering is based on your gear rather than your levels or abilities, so going from a scattered set of decent gear meant for level fifty to a stellar set of gear meant for level sixty was a HUGE boon and going from a mishmash of what I had laying around to actually good level fifty gear for my other gathering class was a game changer. That change alone made me so much money, and my guild leader did it all for free (on top of buying all the stuff to use for his own projects or pass on to the buyer who has hired the guild to collect these resources).

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