A thousand idle dreams
Race through my mind
In the time it takes
To change lanes
And I fly down the highway,
Windows open,
As the stereo blasts
A melancholic upbeat tune.
Drowning in “what ifs”
For lack of a single plan.
Anxiety eats my heart
As I wander from thought to thought,
Looking for something more solid
Than “what if this could be”
And finding nothing more firm
Or decisive than I am.
I feel adrift
as my connections fall slack
And all the anchors
That once kept me grounded
Rise up to wrap around me,
Making me feel more “me”
Than I ever have
But unmooring me from everything
I once thought
Had a claim to my presence.
In time
It all fades away,
The whirring road
Drowning out even the music
And the wind whipping my hair
Into a tangled, staticky mess,
As I am reminded
By the cool blues and warm reds
Of the sky around the pale disc
That is the slowly setting sun:
Nothing lasts forever
And even this change,
No matter how big or small,
Will eventually give way
In time.